Operating Documents




GET Baltic is a part of energy transmission and exchange group of companies – EEX group. EEX group has established the main operating policies and, in some cases, the specific rules applicable to the performance of member-companies of the group.


Operating policies

We invite you to get acquainted with applicable the following policies of EEX Group:




Remuneration information of the 2024 IV quarter:

Remuneration information

Remuneration information of the 2024 III quarter:

Remuneration information

Remuneration information of the 2024 II quarter:

Remuneration information

Remuneration information of the 2024 I quarter:

Remuneration information 

Remuneration information of the 2023 IV quarter:

Remuneration information

Remuneration information of the 2023 III quarter:

Remuneration information

Remuneration information of the 2023 II quarter:

Remuneration information

Remuneration information of the 2023 I quarter:

Remuneration information

Remuneration information of the 2022 IV quarter:

Remuneration information

Remuneration information of the 2022 III quarter:

Remuneration information

Remuneration information of the 2022 II quarter:

Remuneration information

Remuneration information of the 2022 I quarter:

Remuneration information

Remuneration information of the 2021 IV quarter:

Remuneration information

Remuneration information of the 2021 III quarter:

Remuneration information

Remuneration information of the 2021 II quarter:

Remuneration information


GET Baltic did not provide any donations in 2022, 2023 and 2024 years.

Associated parties transactions

As at 31 December 2023, the Company’s major shareholder was European Energy Exchange AG holding a 66% ownership interest in the Company as from 1 June 2023. Disclosures include information about transactions with from 1 June 2023 to 31 December 2023 and information about transactions with the related parties of the EPSO-G UAB group (which owned the Company before the sale of shares) from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.  EPSO-G UAB is directly controlled by the Republic of Lithuania (institution implementing the rights of a shareholder through – the Energy of the Republic of Lithuania). For the purposes of related-party disclosures, the Republic of Lithuania does not include central or local authorities. Disclosures include transactions and balances with EPSO-G Group companies, subsidiaries and associate, all state-controlled companies or those under significant influence and management. A list of state-controlled entities or those under significant influence that are subject to disclosure is provided  on the website of The Governance Coordination Centre: https://vkc.sipa.lt/apie-imones/vvi-sarasas/.

Company related parties in 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2023 was:

 EEX group companies:

  • European Energy Exchange AG (the shareholder from 1 June 2023)
  • EEX Asia
  • EEX Australia Pty Ltd.
  • EEX CEGH Gas Exchange Services GmbH
  • EEX Link GmbH
  • European Commodity Clearing AG
  • Grexel Systems Oy
  • K B Tech Limited
  • Nodal Exchange Holdings, LLC
  • Nodal Exchange, LLC & Nodal Clear, LLC
  • Power Exchange Central Europe a.s.

EPSO-G UAB companies:

  • AB „Amber Grid“ (Shareholder of the Company);
  • UAB „EPSO-G“ (Parent company of the Shareholder);
  • Litgrid, AB (Subsidiary of UAB EPSO-G);
  • UAB „Baltpool“ (Subsidiary of UAB EPSO-G) ;
  • UAB „Tetas“ ( Subsidiary of UAB EPSO-G since 29.11.2019);

UAB „Ignitis grupė“ group companies:

  • Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius, AB
  • AB „Ignitis gamyba“
  • UAB „Ignitis“
  • UAB „Transporto valdymas“
  • Other companies of UAB „Ignitis grupė“ group, the full list is indicated: https://www.ignitisgrupe.lt/lt/grupes-imones

Other state-owned enterprises:

Regarding the provisions of the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, which stipulate that “offers to buy and / or sell gas on the Exchange are submitted anonymously, i.e. information on other parties to transactions concluded on the Exchange is not provided and cannot be accessed by the participants of the Exchange”, therefore, separate amounts of transactions with related parties are not provided in the explanatory information that would disclose the trading volume of the related parties on the Exchange. The list of the Exchange participants is available  here.

During the period from 1 June 2023 to 31 December 2023, no transactions were conducted with the related parties of the EEX group.

Transactions with the related parties of the EPSO-G group conducted during the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023*and outstanding balances thereof were as follows:

2023 Purchases Sales Amounts Receivable Amounts Payable Amounts
AB „Amber Grid“, Shareholder of the company 65,599 4,881 795,968
UAB „EPSO-G“, Shareholder of the parent company 20,264
AB „Ignitis gamyba“ 145,393 521 3,026,557
UAB „Ignitis“ 104,998 235,905 1,306,971
AB „Energijos skirstymo operatorius“ 468 47
UAB „Transporto valdymas“ 7,047 743
Other state-controlled entities 177 2,400 241,738 6
27,488 318,858 483,092 5,130,245

Transactions with the related parties of the EPSO-G UAB group conducted during 2022 and outstanding balances thereof as at 31 December 2022 were as follows :

2022 Purchases Sales Amounts Receivable Amounts Payable Amounts
AB „Amber Grid“, Shareholder of the company 135.589 2.604.428 214.103
UAB „EPSO-G“, Shareholder of the parent company 26.060 2.124
AB „Ignitis gamyba“ 47.578 1.295 84.234.597
UAB „Ignitis“ 85.434 3.843.931 45.048
AB „Energijos skirstymo operatorius“ 478 61
UAB „Transporto valdymas“ 5.566 561
Other state-controlled entities 93 4.080 823 22
31.719 273.159 6.451.099 84.495.894


*If a counterparty related to the Company has traded on a Natural Gas Exchange, the amounts provided include not only in intermediation fee, but also the amount of natural gas purchase or sale that the Company collects from the company that purchased the natural gas and pays to the company that sold the natural gas.

Transactions with Amber Grid AB associated parties

GET Baltic in accordance with Republic of Lithuania Law on Companies article 372 announce all transactions concluded by GET Baltic with a party related to Amber Grid AB, which are not concluded on the Natural Gas Exchange for the purchase or sale of natural gas and/or capacity.

Transaction with Amber Grid AB associated parties*

*Please note that the list does not include low value transactions (up to EUR 100) and transactions in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania with parties that have concluded an agreement with GET Baltic Exchange participant and carry out anonymous trading on the Natural Gas Exchange, including gas exchange transactions and short-term capacity.

Phone: +370 5 236 0000
E-mail: [email protected]

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