Who We Are:

1.1. We are your personal data manager – UAB GET Baltic (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), company code 300861178, registered office: Gelezinio Vilko st. 18A, LT-08104, Vilnius, tel.: +370 52360000, e-mail: info@getbaltic.com.

1.2. If you have any questions, comments, or complaints about how we collect, use, and store information about you, or wish to exercise your rights as data subject you can contact the Company at: Gelezinio Vilko str. 18A, LT-08104, phone number: +370 536 0000,e-mail: skirmante.dragine@getbaltic.com or info@getbaltic.com.

1.3. If you have noticed a potential breach of personal data security related to the processing personal data by the Company, we invite you to report it as soon as possible via email to: skirmante.dragine@getbaltic.com or info@getbaltic.com.

1.4. Terms used in the Privacy Notice:

  • Personal data – any information related to a person that can be directly or indirectly identified (eg name, surname, contact details, etc.).
  • Person – a natural person (data subject) whose data is processed (e.g. the Company employees, candidates, Company’s customers, users of the Company’s website, etc.).
  • Data processing – any action with Personal Data (eg collection, storage, granting of access, deletion etc.).
  • Services – services provided by the Company.

Other concepts presented in Privacy are understood as defined in legal acts regulating personal data protection (General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter – the Regulation), the Personal Data Protection Law of the Republic of Lithuania and others)

This Document Intends:

2.1. This Privacy Statement (hereinafter referred to as “the Privacy Statement”) regulates the basic principles of the personal data processing performed by UAB GET Baltic, who acts as a data manager.

2.2. Please read this Privacy Statement carefully to understand which kind of practices we use to process your personal data. After reading this document, you will learn how we process your personal data, where we receive them from and your rights as a subject of personal data.

2.3. Personal data means any information about a natural person who has been identified or is identifiable (a data subject). A natural person whose identify can be identified is understood as a person whose identity can be determined, directly or indirectly, first of all, by an identifier, such as a name, a surname, a personal identification number, the data of the place of residence and an internet identifier or one or more physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity attributes of a particular individual.

What kind of your personal data do we process?

There are two main groups of personal data, depending on the method by which the Company may obtain information about you:

  • data that you personally provide to us
  • data that is collected automatically when you visit the Company’s website, contact us by e-mail

By accepting the provisions of this Privacy Statement, you agree that the Company may, by any of the methods indicated in this statement, process the following data about you:

  • name, surname
  • workplace, job title
  • IP address
  • electronic mail address, telephone number, address, other contact information
We collect your personal data:

3.  What are the Purposes and Grounds for Personal data Processing? To Which Extent do We Process your Personal Data?

3.1. Your personal data is only processed for the following specific purposes set forth in legal acts: The purpose of Company internal agreements, when it is necessary to process data in order to fulfill an agreement concluded with a person; The purpose of provision of services, the conclusion and performance of contracts, when it is necessary to process data in order to fulfill an agreement concluded with a person;  The purpose of selection of the staff provided that you give your consent thereto, which is expressed by sending us your CV;  The purpose of sales and service quality assurance;  The purpose of direct marketing;  The the purpose of conducting market research and surveys;  The purpose of dealing with requests, complaints or suggestions made to the Company

3.2. We process personal data for purpose of conclusion and execution of contracts in order to conclude and properly fulfill the Company’s contracts/obligations. On this basis, the data may be obtained either on a contractual basis. Personal data that is processed for this purpose:

Title Description
Data categories  Name, a surname, phone number, residential address, email address, date of birth, bank account, email address, and other information necessary for contract signing.
Data legal basis Contractual (GDPR Article 6(1)(b) subparagraph).
Data processing period The legal basis for storing personal data after the termination of an employment contract is GDPR Article 6(1)(c) subparagraph, which refers to compliance with a legal obligation.

3.3. We process customer personal data, including the data of prospect customers, for the purpose of provision of services, conclusion and performance of contracts seeking to conclude and properly fulfil the Company’s contracts / obligations. This is done with due consideration of the Company’s legitimate interests. On this basis, the data may be obtained either on a contractual basis or via direct communication between the Company and individuals, or via remote communication means (by telephone or e-mail) and etc. More information about about the personal data processed you can find here. Personal data that is processed for this purpose:

Title Description
Data categories Data categories: Name, surname, phone number, email address, bank account number, signature, representation basis (authorization, statutes, etc.), position, payment information, payment period, other information related to the conclusion and performance of the contract, depending on the nature of the contract.
Data legal basis Contractual (GDPR Article 6(1)(b) subparagraph)
Data processing period Personal data is stored during the validity of the contract and for 5 years after the contract has expired.

3.4. The personal data of applicants for employment is processed based on the consent of an individual as a part of the current and future recruitment process for employment purposes. When filling in an employment form, a user gives his consent to participation in the current or future recruitment process of the Company. This consent is applicable to all the documents submitted during the recruitment process. Personal data that is processed for this purpose:

Title Description
Data categories Data categories: Name, surname, date of birth, phone number, workplace, email address, residential address, education, date of receipt of CV, personal qualities, work experience, proficiency in foreign languages, ability to work with computer programs, other information in the CV, recommendation, and/or motivational letter, signature, information provided in the candidate’s application to participate in the selection process.
Data legal basis Your consent GDPR Article 6(1)(a) subparagraph
Data processing period 1 years from the date of your consent until you withdraw your consent, after the selection has ended and if the Candidate does not consent to the retention of his/her personal data for future selections, his/her personal data will be deleted within 30 days after

3.5. For the purpose of sales and service quality assurance, which means for the purpose of response to your inquiries regarding our decisions or services. You provide us with your personal data in writing or by telephone when you submit requests or lodge complaints regarding our services. When you contact us in writing, by e-mail or by phone, we will save correspondence data. Personal data that is managed for this purpose:

Title Description
Data categories Name, a surname, a telephone number, e-mail and the data of a request regarding our services which is delivered by e-mail (e.g., the wording of a message)
Data legal basis Your consent and our legitimate interest in enhancing the quality of our activities and services.
Data processing period 1 year from the date of your enqui

3.6. For direct marketing purpose, seeking to provide you with offers, newsletters and information about the Company’s services. Personal data that is processed for this purpose:

Title Description
Data categories Name, a surname, a telephone number and e-mail.
Data legal basis Your consent,  GDPR Article 6(1)(a) subparagraph
Data processing period Personal data is stored for 3 years if not revoked earlier. Upon subscribing to a newsletter, your personal data will be stored by the Company for the duration of your consent, as well as for 2 years after the expiration of the consent period for the purpose of ensuring archival requirements.

3.7.  Purpose of conducting market research and surveys, personal data that is processed for this purpose:

Title Description
Data categories  Name, surname, email address, phone number, Contact information provided in the content of the survey, which may include email addresses.
Data legal basis The processing of your personal data is based on legitimate interest (GDPR Article 6(1)(f) subparagraph). Additionally, we have obtained your consent (GDPR Article 6(1)(a) subparagraph).
Data processing period 2 years from the date of your consent until you withdraw your consent.

3.8.  Purpose of dealing with requests, complaints or suggestions made to the Company, personal data that is processed for this purpose:

Title Description
Data categories  Name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, signature, date of referral, referral number (registration number), the information contained in the referral, the outcome of the referral, and, in the case of an e-mail communication with the person submitting the request, complaint or suggestion, the personal data recorded in the e-mail communication
Data legal basis The processing of your personal data is based on legitimate interest (GDPR Article 6(1)(f) subparagraph).
Data processing period 3 years from the date of receipt of the request, complaint or proposal

3.9. The Company may also process personal data for other purposes provided that an individual gives his consent thereto. Anyway, personal data is processed by the Company in compliance with the requirements of legal acts.

3.10. We may merge the personal data received from you with the data collected by us from other public or available sources (e.g., your personal data may be merged with the data legally obtained from third parties). To exercise your rights, you will always be able to request correction of errors in your personal data.

4. Do We Use Your Personal Data for Direct Marketing?

4.1. Yes, we may use your personal data for direct marketing purposes in order to provide you with offers, newsletters and information about our services, which, in our opinion, may be of interest to you. Nevertheless, we will use your personal data for this purpose provided only that you give your consent thereto.

4.2. For this purpose, we process your personal data specified in par. 3.6 of this Privacy Statement.

4.3. By granting the right to process your personal data for a direct marketing purpose, you also authorize us to contact you via communication means (e.g., by e-mail or a telephone) or other communications.

4.4. We may match available information about you with information available to third parties so that we would be able to provide you with offers and newsletters.

4.5. Notwithstanding the fact that you have given your consent to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you may revoke this consent at any time with regard to all or some of personal data management actions. For this purpose you may:

4.5.1. Report withdrawal of your consent in the way indicated in e-offers and newsletters delivered to you (e. g., by clicking on the link ‘Unsubscribe newsletters’), or

4.5.2. Send a request to the e-mail address indicated in this Privacy Notice. The request must clearly indicate your name and surname. If you submit your request to cancel your consent in this way, we may ask for proof of identity.

4.6. If you withdraw your consent, we will terminate the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes as soon as possible.

5. How Long Do We Store Your Personal Data?

5.1. We store your personal data no longer than it is required by the data management purposes or stipulated by legal acts unless they provide for a longer data storage period.

5.2. The periods of storage of your personal data referring to each specific purpose of use are indicated in clause 3 of this Privacy Statement.

6. How Do We Secure Your Personal Data Protection?

6.1. We take the due technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access.

7. Who Do We Provide Your Personal Data To?

7.1. We guarantee that your personal data will not be sold, submitted or otherwise transferred to third parties without legal basis or used for purposes other than those for which data was collected. We will not transfer your personal data otherwise than in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Privacy Statement. Information regarding your personal data will be only provided in cases and in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law, e.g., if this is required by law enforcement authorities in the course of criminal proceedings.

7.2. We may disclose your personal data collected by us to the following third parties:

7.2.1. Third parties – service providers (e.g., technical service providers during the performance of our contracts with these service providers, including distribution of newsletters or execution of other marketing actions);

7.2.2. Service providers of third parties, whose services we normally use for data storage, telecommunication and website hosting purposes. In these cases, the Company will exert every effort to ensure the safety of your personal data in compliance with the highest standards and applicable legal requirements.

7.2.3. Third parties that perform an internal and external audit.

We use cookies:

8. What are cookies and how do they work?

Cookies are passive files kept in the computer and other IT devices. Cookies do not cause any harm to devices. By visiting a website, Internet browser reads a cookie and provides information, for example, recognizing you as a visitor and adapting website contents to your needs.

8.1. With cookies, we may collect the following information: IP address, type of web browser used, number of visits to the Site, view Site Pages, Time spent on the Site, demographic data, and, if you arrived at the Site from a third party website, the URL of the page link. We may, without prejudice to the law, combine the information obtained through the use of cookies with information obtained from you by other means (for example, to combine the use of the Site with your personal data).

8.2. We use cookie information for the following purposes:

8.2.1. to ensure the functionality of the Site: www.getbaltic.com (for example, to use the Site’s personalization);

8.2.2. that we can improve and develop the Site to better meet your needs;

8.2.3. development of services and analysis of use of the Site;

8.3. The following cookies may be used on the site:

8.3.1. “technical cookies” means cookies that are necessary for the functioning of the Site;

8.3.2. “Analytical cookies” means cookies used to compile a statistical analysis of the navigation methods used by visitors to the Site; the data collected by these cookies is used anonymously;

8.4. All information about cookies used by the Website: www.getbaltic.com, their purpose, validity and the data used is provided here / in the table below

Name Purpose of data processing Moment of creation Period of validity Data used
_ga These cookies are used to collect statistical information about website traffic. The data obtained are used for reporting purposes and for improving the page. Entering the page 2 years Accounting uses an IP address and unique ID numbers. Accounting result statistical. Counter Accounting Performed Through Google Analytics
_gid These cookies are used to collect statistical information about website traffic. The data obtained are used for reporting purposes and for improving the page. Entering the page Session Accounting uses an IP address and unique ID numbers. Accounting result statistical. Counter Accounting Performed Through Google Analytics
_gat Google Analytics cookie used to limit the number of queries to Google service Entering the page Session Does not store any information, it is used to limit queries to www.doubleclick.net
PHPSESSID To maintains user‘s session Entering the page Session Until browser is closed
acceptCookie Used for information whether the user has agreed to collect cookies After accepting the terms 1 year Cookie used to crawl the site if the user has consented to the use of the cookie

8.5.You may give your consent to the use of cookies in the following ways:

8.5.1. without deleting them and / or altering their web browser settings so that they do not accept cookies;

8.5.2. By clicking on the “I agree” tag in the link (strip) on the Site;

8.6.  You may revoke the authorization to use cookies at any time. You can do this by changing your web browser settings so that it does not accept cookies. How do you do this depends on the operating system you are using and your web browser. Detailed information on cookies, their use, and opt-out options can be found at http://AllAboutCookies.org or https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads

8.7. In some cases, especially disabling the technical and functional cookies, disabling cookies, or deleting them may slow down the speed of surfing the web, limit the functionality of certain Web site features, block access to the Site.

Your Rights:

9.1. You have the right:

The Company, in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, implements the following fundamental rights of data subjects whose personal data are processed by the Company:

9.1.1. To know (to be informed) about the processing of your personal data;

9.1.2. To review your personal data processed by us;

9.1.3. To request the correction, supplementation or rectification of your incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete personal data;

9.1.4. To request the destruction of your personal data when it is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected;

9.1.5. The right to request the destruction of your personal data if it is processed illegally or when you withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data or do not give such a consent when it is mandatory;

9.1.6. The right not to give a consent to the processing of your personal data or to withdraw a consent that has been given previously;

9.1.7. The right to data portability.

9.1.8. The right to lodge a complaint with the State Data Protection Inspectorate;

9.1.9. To lodge a complaint regarding data processing operations executed by our Company, if any, in writing and with as much information as possible and to send such a complaint to the contact details provided at the end of this Privacy Statement. We will cooperate with you and use all reasonable diligence to resolve all problems as soon as possible;

9.1.10. If you think that your rights have been violated as a result of non-compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, you can lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority – the State Data Protection Inspectorate. Nevertheless, first of all, we will use best efforts to resolve all disputes with you amicably.

9.2. Companies shall give Data Subjects the opportunity to exercise their rights in the following manner:

9.2.1. submit a request by email to the Company at info@getbaltic.com and/or to the Company’s Data Protection Officer at the address indicated on the website. The request shall be submitted by e-mail and must be signed with a qualified e-signature;
9.2.2. personally deliver the request to the Company’s registered office at Geležinio Vilko g. 18A, Vilnius. The application must be accompanied by a personal identity document;
9.2.3. send the request to the Company or to the Company’s person responsible for the protection of personal data by post to Geležinio Vilko g. 18A, Vilnius.

9.3. We assure the implementation of your rights, as a personal data subject, and will create all conditions for effective execution of these rights. However, we reserve the right not to comply with your requirements when:

9.3.1. we have to assure the fulfilment of the legal obligations imposed on us;
9.3.2. the protection of your personal data and freedoms, including the rights and freedoms of other people, should be assured.

10. How will this Privacy Statement be changed?

10.1. All changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted on the Site: www.getbaltic.com.

11. How to Contact Us?

11.1. Please send all privacy related documents to the following contacts:

11.1.2. by regular mail to UAB GET Baltic, Gelezinio Vilko st. 18A, LT-08104 Vilnius;

11.1.3. by e-mail: info@getbaltic.com or skirmante.dragine@getbaltic.com.

Duties of Personal Data Objects:

12. When submitting their personal data to the Company, the personal data subjects confirm that they have read and understood the conditions for the processing of personal data set forth in this Privacy Statement, have no objections to the processing of personal data provided by the Company, the data and information provided is accurate and correct, and the Company is not responsible for the surplus data submission and processing if such surplus data is submitted to the Company through negligence of an individual.

13. An individual undertakes to notify to the Company any changes in personal data or other related information submitted.

The company’s actions or inaction in implementing the data subject’s rights, as well as if you believe that the Company violates data protection laws when processing your personal data, you have the right to complain to the State Data Protection Inspectorate, L. Sapiegos g. 17, Vilnius, e-mail: ada@ada.lt , website: www.vdai.lrv.lt , or to other institutions that deal with such complaints in accordance with the procedure laid down by law, about the Company’s actions or failure to act in the exercise of the rights of the data subject, or if you believe that the Company is violating the data protection legislation when processing your personal data.

Last update date: 01/05/2024

Phone: +370 5 236 0000
E-mail: info@getbaltic.com

GET Baltic website uses two main types of cookies.

Our website uses essential cookies that are necessary for the proper functioning of the website and statistical cookies for the analysis of our traffic. With the following statement, you can agree to the use of cookies. More information in Cookies policy