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GET Baltic Invites Finnish Market Participants to Dialogue on Possibility to Use Secondary Capacity Trading Platform

7th May of 2020

GET Baltic is kindly inviting market participants acting or planning to act in the future in Finnish market to take a part on an introductory presentation of the currently being developed Secondary Capacity Trading Platform which will be held on 26 May 2020 14:00 o’clock via Teams Meeting.

Please follow this link to register for an introductory presentation and book your place:

Registered participants shall receive Teams Meeting invitations to the email addresses indicated in the registration form.

Please, read more here.



Gelezinio Vilko St. 18A, LT- 08104
Vilnius, Lithuania
@ 2019 GET Baltic
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Telephone +370 5 236 0000
Telefonas: +370 5 236 0000
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